lighting project one

Finished my first critique today for my Intro to Lighting class, and I have to say it’s been a ton of fun. My partner, Daniel, and I worked together on most of these shots. We could only use one light source, and had to play with direct, bounced, and diffused lighting. We set up the shots together, and would step in for each others shots. 

While I am in most of these shots, I retouched and worked with Daniel on the setups. I’ve already learned a lot about tethered capture, color cards, and metering for the color card. It’s been really awesome so far and this is one of my favorite classes at Columbia. 

I’m just super excited about my professor, who had a shoot for Nike after our class today. We went over multiple light sources today, and I assisted most of the time. Which is great, and made some contacts for future assisting jobs. Overall, been having a great time!

February 7th, Columbia Studios, Chicago IL 

 50mm - f/5.6 - 1/60 - ISO 250 - 1 KW Mole

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