fashion geisha shoot

I was asked to do a shoot for a new fashion designer in the Boston area. And what a wonderful experience it was! The shoot was Geisha themed, and was wonderful to work with so many different people. We had hair, makeup, nails, stylist, director, designer, and myself all on set. It was so cool to have so many pieces of the puzzle coming together to create these photos. 

We lucked out with the weather in Boston, and had a really great day. I’ve been working on these photos for a week or so now, and have really been testing my editing my skills. We had a few mishaps with my light kit being picked up by the wind and flew into the river, to the models having to stay dressed (and those nail!) all day. 

It was such a great experience and exactly the type of work I want to do in the future. I love serendipity experiences just like this! Go check her out at Sydney Council Designs!

November 19th - Boston Public Gardens MA

 50mm - f/1.8 - 1/160s - ISO 400 

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