frost in colorado

Phew! it has been an extremely busy last month, and I am finally able to sit down and catch up on my site! From finals in Boston, and then packing to move to Chicago, then moving in in Chicago, and Christmas and New Years and Doctor Appointments etc. I have been busy. 

But I have finally updated my site with new photos and kept it relevant. These photos were actually taken when I was running around in my home town in Castle Rock trying to catch up on errands, and we had a very cold frost hit us. 

Everything was covered in ice crystals, which is very unusual for Colorado. There was a heavy fog that wasn’t going to lift, and it was deafening quiet everywhere. It is moments like these that I love. It’s so beautiful, and I was able to take a few moments and reconnect in nature with myself and reflect. But I’ve always been a tree lover and love times in nature. 

The shots were a bit tricky because the sun was very bright, and pushing my highlights too harsh. With the sun casting reflections off the ice crystals, it seemed every shot would be too bright or too flat. I had to go back in later and correct it in post. 

But I love these photos; they show the quiet serenity of winter that I love. Winter is always my favorite time of year. I swear I was bred to live in cold temps. 

January 4th, Castle Rock CO

24mm - f/6.3 - 1/1600s - ISO 250

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